What to do if I lose my keys?
Each key has a Professionals key tag with a number on it that relates to that property. If you lose your key, call the office to see if it has been handed in and you can come and collect it.
What to do if I lock my keys in the house
If you lock yourself out during office hours, you can come to the office and collect our office key to let yourself in, then return the office key to the office. If you misplace your key after hours, you may need a locksmith to let you in.
Can I make a copy of the keys?
Yes, you can get keys cut. However, it would be at your own cost, and when you vacate the property you would be required to return all keys (including the ones you cut) to the office, or destroy the cut keys, but you cannot keep the keys your cut.
How many sets of keys am I entitled to?
You are entitled to one full set for every person on the lease. If you have a mum and dad on the lease, and 2 teenage children living in the property but not on the lease, then only the mum and dad are entitled to a full set each. If the office happened to have more sets, we could supply the teenage children with some.
If there were two couples and both couples were on the lease, then we would be required to supply four full sets.
Who is responsible to pay for the battery in my garage remote?
Technically the owner if responsible for the garage remote battery. However, we find that the tenants often pay for it themselves and it is much quicker and easier than going through the process of putting in a maintenance request form when you are waiting to get into your garage. If you keep the receipt for the battery, the owner can reimburse you.
Am I allowed to change the locks?
99% of the time the tenants are not allowed to change the locks. Having said that, there are some exceptions. If you feel the locks need changing, you will need to contact your property manager to discuss the matter. Most of the time, but not always, the tenant would need to pay for the locksmith and supply the office and the owner with a complete new set. Once again, discuss the matter with your property manager first.
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Tenants Keys
Article posted by Melissa Chaplin