Next date: Thursday, 26 January 2023 | 08:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Free Australia Day Breakfasts are being held at three locations around our city on Thursday 26 January 2023 from 8am until 11am.
Don’t miss this fantastic opportunity for the community and families to come together to celebrate Australia Day and to enjoy a free breakfast provided by the City of Onkaparinga. Meet and connect with your community and reflect on our history, diversity, achievements and bright future.
The breakfasts are a fantastic opportunity for the community and families to come together to celebrate Australia Day and to enjoy a free breakfast provided by the City of Onkaparinga. There will be entertainment along with activities for the children.
The breakfasts will be held at three locations around our city:
- Noarlunga Centre – Ramsay Place
- Willunga – The Old Court House
- Happy Valley – Happy Valley Sports Park
Residents need only bring a picnic rug or chair. The breakfasts have a great atmosphere and are enjoyed by all ages.
For more information please contact (08) 8384 0666 or head over to the Onkaparinga Councils website at https://www.onkaparingacity.com/Arts-events-tourism/Events-directory/Australia-Day-Breakfasts
- Thursday, 26 January 2023 | 08:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Happy Valley, Noarlunga Centre, Willunga